Thursday, November 04, 2021

Saibhang: HE Creates from Ownself.

 HE is All in All, the formless One. Being One the Creation is created from own self, the duality.  The created is ever changing while Sach is Eternal.

HE is creation as Nirgun Jyote split as Souls with Mind.  These have Haume, a sense of separateness. It is a connected illusionary split.

All is His play.

We can perceive HIM only within. When we identify with HIM with Awareness, mind body as HIM then sense of separation goes and Soul- Mind with  Nadar has  Higher Awareness and feel union. The first indication of union is hearing of Anhad Sabad, the celestial Sound vibration. Then HIS Jyote illumination as Naam settles in mind. Detailed description is in the book, Living From Within.

Naam then settles in the heart, from where unconditional love is expressed.

Fear and it's expression anxiety, resentments, etc go away. Naam in mind and heart is a union an awakening to higher awareness.

Amazing is the way As is Above So is below.

The Soul-Mind has conscious awareness which is HIS. The intention is same as HIS Hukam.

The Soul too can split, as some choose so to fast-track with both having experiences. In last incarnation the soul unites  with one soul in two bodies. 

As is above so below. 

The union is a woderous expression of unconditional love. Soul is Akal, Jyote Swarupe . Expresses Nirbhau and  Nirvair.

It also expresses saibhang.  the two jyotes combine with shared presense  of two halves  with a bond of unconditional love along with HIM. 

 Such a wonder and amazing spiritual experience these souls have.


Anonymous said...

I am having experience of being Twin flame which is said to be split soul. Is the above same.

gurmit singh said...


what you state about Twin flame is right. Gurbani talks about Sach and it needs Vichar(contemplation) to understand it. When we look at the reported experience of Twin flame then find that it has some aspects which are mentioned in Gurbani. First is the feeling of presence of Ekankar. Here two since the Soul is Jyote Swarupe ( same light) so the split souls too experience presence of each other. Secondly, these experience feeling of Unconditional Love. The Naam too settles in the heart with unconditional love. These Souls learn to keep awareness within.

The twin flame experience happens when the karmic life of these souls is near completion. From this feeling of Unconditional love these can move on to feeling of Oneness towards awakening if they get right spiritual guidance.

In Gurbani there is given special importance to institution of marriage. The union of Soul which had been feeling separation then returns back towards union with Akal Purakh, the Jyote that pervades and is the life of consciousness. The Lavan Sabad (Hymn) states the four stages of this union with the beloved God from which the Soul separated.
The Twin souls too have to unite energetically and then have union with the Mool (source).