Thursday, June 20, 2024

New Book: Sachkhand Consciousness ( published on Amazon)


( Available on  for purchase . Has both kindle and paperback editions) ; 

This book is for the truth seeker and the one who is looking for path towards the formless All-In-All Creator who has elusive to general human perception for ages.

Around 500 years back Guru Nanak came to this world bringing to light again the true spiritual path of Saints for ages. The Saints way is to raise Consciousness which opens up the awareness of Creators presence in Creation, the oneness present and Awareness of Self being HIS light.

The Saints in this Kalyug, the era of spiritual darkness has been clouded by the shadow of negativity. Religions also have fallen victim to false narratives that prevent humans from knowing the truth and path to raising consciousness.

The Guru Nanak wrote

first composition known as Japji that laid revealed the truth and the true path of Spirituality. The Origin Mantra in Japji describes the true nature of ONE Creator Source of ALL. The composition itself is in the form of steps in the Saints way of Jap meditation. He revealed Jap Mantra that describes the true nature of this Jap which is a meditative approach to bring divine awareness in mind while all along living the worldly life.

This book explains the way of Spiritual truths elucidated by Guru Nanak and other Saints of the era. These truths are written in the form of Hymns known as Shabads in poetic language. The Shabads are divine truths to sing, read and for contemplation so that understanding dawns.

Guru Nanak in Japji reveals that our consciousness is HIS light of Awareness and is veiled when the Soul (which bears this light) incarnates in the human body. It is with the Grace of True Guru (Satguru) that Nadar (the inner vision that perceives truth) is given as blessing to those doing Har Naam Jap.

The Sach khand Consciousness is the highest level of Conscious Awareness that is opened up in the Soul while in the incarnated body. It is the Conscious Awareness of those who One with HIM. This is the Conscious Awareness of Saints. This is where the mind experiences stillness, peace and bliss.

This book explains a hymn by Guru Nanak that describes the Creation as it originates from the Source which is in Sunn Samadhi and the Celestial Sound Vibration of Creation, the Anhad Naad that is the basis of creation which manifests out of Nirgun State to Sargun Reality. All these concepts have been explained in this book.

This book also describes the stages in the path of truth realisation which have been described in Gurbani Shabads in the Holy Granth "Guru Granth Sahib". The Words in this Guru Granth are those of the Guru that give divine knowledge to connect with the formless True Guru (Satguru Purakh) within. All one needs is true knowledge on way to the Divine Awareness and living in Oneness.

Contents in The Book

Chapter One: Breaking the Maya Illusion - (Jap to go within)

Chapter Two: Mool Mantar

Chapter Three: Sunn and Creation (the True Reality) - Translation of Shabad "Arbad Narbad Dhudhkara"

Chapter Four: World Construct is A Sargun-NIRGUN Structure

Chapter Five: Sach Khand Consciousness

Chapter Six: Ekankar's Three Jap Gyan Mantar

Chapter Seven: Jap Dhyan and Nadar (Nadar as explained in Gurbani Shabad)

Chapter Eight: The Journey Stages (From the Four Lavan)

Chapter Nine: Yug Parivartan toward Sach Ki Bela (Guru Nanak's Babar Baani Shabad translated. It is prophetic with relevance to present times and Kalyug End

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