Thursday, June 20, 2024

New Book: Sachkhand Consciousness ( published on Amazon)


( Available on  for purchase . Has both kindle and paperback editions) ; 

This book is for the truth seeker and the one who is looking for path towards the formless All-In-All Creator who has elusive to general human perception for ages.

Around 500 years back Guru Nanak came to this world bringing to light again the true spiritual path of Saints for ages. The Saints way is to raise Consciousness which opens up the awareness of Creators presence in Creation, the oneness present and Awareness of Self being HIS light.

The Saints in this Kalyug, the era of spiritual darkness has been clouded by the shadow of negativity. Religions also have fallen victim to false narratives that prevent humans from knowing the truth and path to raising consciousness.

The Guru Nanak wrote

first composition known as Japji that laid revealed the truth and the true path of Spirituality. The Origin Mantra in Japji describes the true nature of ONE Creator Source of ALL. The composition itself is in the form of steps in the Saints way of Jap meditation. He revealed Jap Mantra that describes the true nature of this Jap which is a meditative approach to bring divine awareness in mind while all along living the worldly life.

This book explains the way of Spiritual truths elucidated by Guru Nanak and other Saints of the era. These truths are written in the form of Hymns known as Shabads in poetic language. The Shabads are divine truths to sing, read and for contemplation so that understanding dawns.

Guru Nanak in Japji reveals that our consciousness is HIS light of Awareness and is veiled when the Soul (which bears this light) incarnates in the human body. It is with the Grace of True Guru (Satguru) that Nadar (the inner vision that perceives truth) is given as blessing to those doing Har Naam Jap.

The Sach khand Consciousness is the highest level of Conscious Awareness that is opened up in the Soul while in the incarnated body. It is the Conscious Awareness of those who One with HIM. This is the Conscious Awareness of Saints. This is where the mind experiences stillness, peace and bliss.

This book explains a hymn by Guru Nanak that describes the Creation as it originates from the Source which is in Sunn Samadhi and the Celestial Sound Vibration of Creation, the Anhad Naad that is the basis of creation which manifests out of Nirgun State to Sargun Reality. All these concepts have been explained in this book.

This book also describes the stages in the path of truth realisation which have been described in Gurbani Shabads in the Holy Granth "Guru Granth Sahib". The Words in this Guru Granth are those of the Guru that give divine knowledge to connect with the formless True Guru (Satguru Purakh) within. All one needs is true knowledge on way to the Divine Awareness and living in Oneness.

Contents in The Book

Chapter One: Breaking the Maya Illusion - (Jap to go within)

Chapter Two: Mool Mantar

Chapter Three: Sunn and Creation (the True Reality) - Translation of Shabad "Arbad Narbad Dhudhkara"

Chapter Four: World Construct is A Sargun-NIRGUN Structure

Chapter Five: Sach Khand Consciousness

Chapter Six: Ekankar's Three Jap Gyan Mantar

Chapter Seven: Jap Dhyan and Nadar (Nadar as explained in Gurbani Shabad)

Chapter Eight: The Journey Stages (From the Four Lavan)

Chapter Nine: Yug Parivartan toward Sach Ki Bela (Guru Nanak's Babar Baani Shabad translated. It is prophetic with relevance to present times and Kalyug End

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Sikhs And Kalki Avatar

 ( This is continuation of my previous post on  Guru Nanak’s message in Gurbani Hymn about rise of a disciple of the Great Parakh, the ONE masculine in created duality where all souls are feminine. This is confirmed in Gurbani’s many hymns.  )

The present position  regarding Lord Kalki is that  he is associated with Sanatan Matt.  There is Kalki Puran  in which it is stated that he would be born in a Brahmin family. In the Bhavishiya Malika writings of Saint Achutanand ji in Oriya many facts about Kalki Avatar are written which reveal hidden aspects.

In the present Kalyug many truths have been highjacked and different interpretations are prevalent. One fact revealed in Malika is that the Kalki Avatar would restore the Sanatan truths about the creator. All other religions would would go including the the present Hindu religion surrounded around idol worship and ritualistic practices. 

Guru Granth Sahib speaks of truth. It also states where the religious structure of Muslims, Hindus and many others are deviated. When there is one truth then there cannot be exclusiveness and claim over it. 

Guru Granth Sahib is the Guru for all humanity. It has not talked of Sikhism as a  religion. It speaks about becoming a Sikh meaning disciple of Satguru Purakh , the presence of Creator in all. It talks of Avatars too, different Yugs and presents them in true light. 

Guru Granth Sahib does not belong to any single community but is a Saints way towards truth for all of humanity. It defines religion as path of truth, which can only be one. When the true self is realised within the human devotee in the same manner. The light of creator is one and same. The sound of creation that resounds within all is same. The separateness thoughts are part of Maya in the creation. This is not the truth.

In the coming change of era only the truth would remain, all else thoughts and institutional structure would vanish. The Sanatan is truth. This truth is revealed in Guru Granth Sahib.

Kalki Avatar is an Avatar of truth and in whom the light of Creator would be shining. The light of creator would shine in the disciple of one Purakh, present as Akal Purak, Karta Purakh and  Satguru Purakh. 

Monday, December 19, 2022


Kalki Avatar Predicted in Sikh Scriptures:


Is he the same who is Kalki Avatar, Messiah and Saviour?


It is certain that Guru Nanak, spoke of the rise of a disciple of Akal Purakh - in the Gurbani Hymn that is in Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji at the page 722-723.  This prediction was meant for during the coming of time of truth, which is none other than the Satyug.


The question is whether this person is same as the one who is the “Kalki Avatar” as mentioned in Hindu Scriptures?


Is he the Saviour and the Messiah who’s coming is also predicted in some other religions and by Nostradamus? 




The hymn that mentions the rise of this saintly person is part of the Sabads in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The scholars had tried to interpret and translated this loosely with subsequent historic personality ignoring the other indicative words of the Guru in the same hymn so this remains overlooked. Guru Nanak not only mentioned indicated the time but the purpose and the nature of era in the hymn.


It was around 1520 AD that Guru Nanak witnessed the Mughal invasion of India by Babur and the brutalities that he eye-witnessed first-hand during the latter's invasion of Saidpur, now called Eminabad, in Gujranwala district of Pakistan. Guru Nanak wrote a number of hymns about this and in one of it, he spoke of the rise of a disciple of the male (Mard).  This hymn is translated below and elaborated.


It would be appropriate that other sources of a similar prediction in other religious scriptures also be examined so as to


When it is compared with predictions in other external sources then it is clearly seen this is an uncanny prediction that has mentions in other religious writings. The Gurbani Hymn mention is significant because these are the word that have come from Akal Purakh ownself through the mouths of the Guru’s. These are not ordinary Guru teachers but Guru’s that have divine Jyote within them. They are one with the Source. Both are same. These Gurus are hidden Avatars with a specific spiritual purpose of initiating transformation in humanity by bringing focus back on Truth. This point would be explained again in detail.


The predictive mention is of the coming of a Spiritual Person who is disciple of Purakh, the all-pervading Male.  The Gurbani’s spiritual approach is that of return of separated Souls by using the simile of marriage between the male groom and the bride. Here the bride soul coming out of illusion of separation returns with love to the One all-pervading Nirankar, a Purakh meaning one great male in creation. This is then a marriage, a togetherness.  This a simile that tells that all souls on earth are same in spiritual advancement irrespective of being born in a male or a female body. The return to the Purakh begins by becoming first a disciple (Sikh) of the Purakh. The relationship then is of Sikh and Guru during the guided Journey. The Sikh and the Guru become same and the person transforms to be an Akal Moorat within, meaning an aware Eternal light of the all-pervading light.

This person mentioned in this hymn would be a disciple (Sikh) of the Akal Purakh and rise to be one with have Akal Purakh by surrender of own individual self. Within him would be Akal Purakh.


It is uncanny that in some Hindu writings the description of Kalki Avatar is so similar to what Gurbani mentions. It may be mentioned that word Hindu originated a later date in history. The original ancient spiritual practice is known as Sanatan, the eternal truth teachings. Truth being only truth the Gurbani reveals the same truth in a more purified way devoid of any distortion in description. Gurbani uses many Sanatan words with the original meanings. 


The Hindu scriptures prophesise the coming of Kalki, the tenth Avatar, who would be final incarnation of the God Vishnu. This Avatar would end the darkest and destructive period to remove adharma (unrighteousness) and usher in the Satya Yuga. The description and details of Kalki are different among various Puranas. The prediction is shrouded in mystery. The prophecies in the Saint Achyutananda Maharaj's book 'Bhavishya Malika,' published 500 years ago gives more elaborate description.


The Gurbani Hymn by Guru Nanak (who is a Nirankari Jyote) states that the coming time is that of the Truth. He brought for humanity the Spiritual Mantra for becoming True One self.  This above clarification is necessary to understand in clarity the prediction.




The Hymn from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is first translated below and then explained.


ਤਿਲੰਗ ਮਹਲਾ ੧ ॥  Tilang 1st Guru.


ਜੈਸੀ ਮੈ ਆਵੈ ਖਸਮ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਤੈਸੜਾ ਕਰੀ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

As the word of the Lord comes to me, that only is the knowledge being presented, O Lalo.


ਪਾਪ ਕੀ ਜੰਞ ਲੈ ਕਾਬਲਹੁ ਧਾਇਆ ਜੋਰੀ ਮੰਗੈ ਦਾਨੁ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

Bringing the marriage party of sin from Kabul has invaded and demands perforce plundering, O Lalo.


ਸਰਮੁ ਧਰਮੁ ਦੁਇ ਛਪਿ ਖਲੋਏ ਕੂੜੁ ਫਿਰੈ ਪਰਧਾਨੁ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

Modesty and righteousness both stand hidden, and falsehood moves about as the leader, O Lalo.


ਕਾਜੀਆ ਬਾਮਣਾ ਕੀ ਗਲ ਥਕੀ ਅਗਦੁ ਪੜੈ ਸੈਤਾਨੁ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

The role of the Qazis and the Brahmans is over and the Satan now reads the marriage rites.


ਮੁਸਲਮਾਨੀਆ ਪੜਹਿ ਕਤੇਬਾ ਕਸਟ ਮਹਿ ਕਰਹਿ ਖੁਦਾਇ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

The Muslim women read the Quran and in suffering call upon God, O Lalo.


ਜਾਤਿ ਸਨਾਤੀ ਹੋਰਿ ਹਿਦਵਾਣੀਆ ਏਹਿ ਭੀ ਲੇਖੈ ਲਾਇ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥

The Hindu women of high caste and others of low caste, are put in the same account, O Lalo.


ਖੂਨ ਕੇ ਸੋਹਿਲੇ ਗਾਵੀਅਹਿ ਨਾਨਕ ਰਤੁ ਕਾ ਕੁੰਗੂ ਪਾਇ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥੧॥

Says Nanak, the eulogies of murder are sung, and the saffron of blood is sprinkled, O Lalo.


ਸਾਹਿਬ ਕੇ ਗੁਣ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਗਾਵੈ ਮਾਸ ਪੁਰੀ ਵਿਚਿ ਆਖੁ ਮਸੋਲਾ ॥

Nanak sings the glories of the Lord in the city of corpses and speaks of righteousness.


ਜਿਨਿ ਉਪਾਈ ਰੰਗਿ ਰਵਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਵੇਖੈ ਵਖਿ ਇਕੇਲਾ ॥

HE, who has created colourful pleasurable attachments, beholds sitting apart alone.


ਸਚਾ ਸੋ ਸਾਹਿਬੁ ਸਚੁ ਤਪਾਵਸੁ ਸਚੜਾ ਨਿਆਉ ਕਰੇਗੁ ਮਸੋਲਾ ॥

True is HE, the Lord and true are HIS decision, and true justice would be done by HIM.


ਕਾਇਆ ਕਪੜੁ ਟੁਕੁ ਟੁਕੁ ਹੋਸੀ ਹਿਦੁਸਤਾਨੁ ਸਮਾਲਸੀ ਬੋਲਾ ॥

The body cloth would be torn into pieces and shreds; then the Hindustan would remember what is said.


ਆਵਨਿ ਅਠਤਰੈ ਜਾਨਿ ਸਤਾਨਵੈ ਹੋਰੁ ਭੀ ਉਠਸੀ ਮਰਦ ਕਾ ਚੇਲਾ ॥

With coming of seventy-eight and going of ninety-seven, would rise another disciple of the strong male.


ਸਚ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਨਾਨਕੁ ਆਖੈ ਸਚੁ ਸੁਣਾਇਸੀ ਸਚ ਕੀ ਬੇਲਾ ॥੨॥੩॥੫॥

The words of truth, says Nanak, would be told during the time of truth.



Explanation of the Hymn:


This hymn has two stanzas.

The first stanza describes the unrighteous invasion. The sins in the form of adharma, cruelty, suffering and killings by the invaders. These then became the rulers. All this is well known fact of history. What is significant is the first line in which Guru Nanak says that what he is stating is the exact knowledge that is coming from the Khasam ( husband Lord) from within.

In the spiritual tradition the Souls are said to be the brides who by being in love with the one husband lord, whom these meet, merge.  Gurbani names HIM as Purakh, the great male being. Purakh is experienced in creation by devotees as Satguru Purakh (True Guru), Karta Purakh (the Creator whose Will is pervading) and Akal Purakh (Eternal and only truth). The devotee has to become a Sikh (disciple) of the Purakh so as to receive true guidance and blessing of the divine. Only by being a disciple of inner truth would the deception and misinterpretations of Maya can be evaded during the path.


The Second stanza of the Hymn states that all that is happening is being observed by the Creator and HE would do justice. Further that these words would be remembered by Hindustan at appropriate time. The truth in the prophesy is always gets known and remembered when its time of happening arises. So, what was stated further would be remembered. The Creator observes all that is unjust and cruel. HE has to step in to remove suffering. The Coming of Guru Nanak was the beginning. He brought before humanity the true words of the ONE creator. The Mool Mantar describes the path of awakening and ascension. This is the base spirituality for the new age. This also is the true Sanatan knowledge of the old Hindu Saints.


The last two lines speak of the exact prophesy. Among the first of these two is the statement-


During the coming of Seventy-Eight (78) and going of Ninety-Seven (97) there would rise another disciple of the Mard, the strong and brave male.


The “another” word is significance here meaning there would be other disciples in general. Second are the years which are the second part of Vikrami calendar prevalent then. The Gurbani translators have   equated these dates with different events during history ignoring the full essence of the hymn.


The Year 2021 is in the Vikrami Calendar Year 2078. And the year 2041 is in the Vikrami calendar year 2097. (In the two calendars, the month of course overlap). The other prophesies also speak of the rise of the year of this saintly person being 2022 which is going of Vikrami year 2078.


Now the last line has the secret of the coming event. This line states that this would be the time when truth would be brought to light as the time would be of truth.  This is the end of Kalyug when justice would be served and the era of Satyug would arise.


Now this prophesy has to be seen along with other prophesies to bring to light associated truth.


References in Other Sikh Texts


It is in Dasam Granth a witing written by Guru Gobind Singh , The Chaubis Avatar (24 incarnations) that mentions Sage Matsyanra describing the appearance of Vishnu incarnations to fight evil, greed, violence and ignorance. Kalki as the twenty-fourth incarnation.


Kalki Avtar in Hindu Texts


Kalki is described in the Puranas as the Avatar ends the darkest and destructive period in Kalyug to remove adharma (unrighteousness) and ushering in the Satya Yuga. He is depicted as riding a white horse with a fiery sword. The description and details of Kalki are different among various texts.

Kalki is an Avatar of Vishnu meaning descent of the divine into the material realm of human existence. He after incarnation restarts a new cycle of time. A recent text named Kalki Purana that surfaced between 1500 to 1700 CE contains the Mythology of Kalki


In the Buddhist Text Kalachakra Tantra, the righteous kings are called Kalki living in Shambhala. Kalki is called "Rudra Cakrin" and is predicted to end the chaos and degeneration by assembling a large army to eradicate a barbarian army.

The descriptive prediction in detail are found in religious writings in Oriya language.


Malika Predictive revelations about Kalki Avatar  


Achyutanand Das, a 15th century saint of Orissa, had written about the arrival of the Lord Kalki in his famous book known as "Achyutananda Malika” and other Religious Books in Oriya.  Here are some important revelations about Kalki Avatar from these books:


1. To liberate the humanity from the sufferings in Kalyug, it would not be an “Ansh Avatar” (Part/Portion of Brahmn) but the “Srishti Karta” (the Creator) ownself would come. The Creator is formless and does not take birth. HE is “Purash” (Akal Purakh) who does not take birth. So, HE would come within the body of a Saintly awakened Man on earth. This man would be light and in him would the creator be This way the Creator can walk on earth just like riding on a horse. The two of them would become one. The Saintly man would be known as Guru.  Thus, the Creator would not be born but would arise in the body of the human have spiritual knowledge of a Guru.


2. This Avtar would be Avatar of “Maha Tatva” ( that which gives rise to five tatva’s - earth (prithvi), water (apas), fire (agni), air (vayu) ,aether (akasha).  and “Maha Gyan” (Great knowledge).


3. After Radha-Krishan, this would be the second “Jugal Roop Swroop Avatar” meaning having two forms together. This would be the “Maha Prem Avatar” meaning would be expressing pure divine love. Although facing sufferings in Kalyug due to his soft nature, this saint would rise in this world to be holder of Creator power by surrendering own individual self to the Divine. So that the “Srishti Karta” would directly bring justice and the shift to era of Satyug.


4. In view of dark Kalyug, the Karta lighted ownself in a hidden way on earth. The Kalki would be the Creators light or energy and would descend in a human saintly person born on earth. The other Avatars were “Ansh Avatr” meaning Avatar of Nirankar part of the Karta.


5. The Birth Play of the Karta would be hidden and would not be known to others. No one would come to know that in that saintly human the Creator ownself has descended and is residing. They would become one. The one walking, talking and speaking would be Karta ownself. The Karta would come in only one Saint’s body. He would keep his inner state of presence of Karta within his body hidden so others around him or interacting with him would not be able to know him being having become Kalki Avtar by surrendering individuality. He in the life would be an ordinary person living a quite life and not in any limelight. He would be Bhagat first and become Brahmn Swarupe. He would be having abilities of a Sidh Guru meaning having spiritual awareness. He would be giving spiritual guidance too without revealing own real identity. The coming of the Creator in this person then would be in a hidden way and no one would be able to find where and who is the Avatar. The Creator would thus from formless have a form through this person.


6. The Kalki Avatar would behaving “Panch ayudh” meaning holder of five special powers or abilities. These five are

                                 i.            Shankh (Conch)– inside would be  an ever flow of celestial Sound vibration of Creation.

                               ii.            Padma (lotus) – the subtle body would be vibrating with purity and anyone near them would feel the peace.

                             iii.            Gadhaa (club) – Any one who would be angry or proud before him would either has to let these go or suffer.

                              iv.            Chakra (Chakra) – The words uttered by him would manifest. He would work with the thoughts.

                               v.            Talvar (sword)- This is the power of writing destiny and so bring transformation/change in created world.

The Avatar would have within the Hari, Har and Brahma meaning the three forces of creation. The Avatar’s body would have golden reflection.


7. At the time of Kalki Avtar a “Kavi Roop” meaning poetic presence, would be present on earth. This is stated on page no 33 in the Book Anadi Sanghita by Saint Achutanand.


8. An important revelation is in the book Gupt Geeta” by Saint Balram Das of Orissa. He has written Kalki would be Divine image Avatar. In him would be “Ongkar Naad” and in the feet earth. In that person would be the Creator ownself so overflowing Naad and spiritually connected with the spiritual center of the Earth. In this person the Creator would be Himself playing both parts.


9. The Kalki Avatar would reveal ownself through “Darshan Lila” meaning to make them known and the whole world would be astonished to see the Light of the Avatar. All then would know about Avatar, bow before him and talk about him.


Book references:

Book on Gita by Saint Bhim Bhai (1800 AD) of Orissa, in the introduction; Book “Harhi Das Granthavli” by Saint Harhi Das (1772-1837) page 444; Book “Alekh Puran”; Bhavisheya Malika;Book “Achut18 Ankh Vigyan”; “kaal Bhagwat by Shishu Anant Das; Book by Saint Jaykrishna Das; “Gupt Geeta” by Saint Balram Das



Conclusive Understanding-


According to the mythology, Avatar Kalki will appear at the time when Kali Yuga reaches its worst phase.


In the Kali age of sin, I will assume an avatar that is dark in color. Great intelligence and great energy will be possessed by this avatar.” are the words stated by Lord Vishnu in Mahabharata.


Nostradamus, a great astrologer, has predicted that the saviour of the world will be born on Thursday.

The 24th verse of the 12th Skanda in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita talks about Shri Vishnu’s Kalki Avatar. According to this, Lord Vishnu will be born as Kalki when Jupiter, Sun and Moon are together in Pushya Nakshatra. As per mythological beliefs, Satyug will commence only after Lord Vishnu incarnates in the Kalki Avatar.


There is also prophecies on the Second Coming of Jesus on Earth. It is a Christian and Islamic concept that surfaced after his first coming and his ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago. The belief is based on messianic prophecies found in the canonical gospels. The time of arrival varies but states that it would herald the end of the present world. The latest time of arrival is believed to be some time from the year 2025.


The time of arrival of Avatar is a mystery. This should be viewed as two events. First, the birth of the person who would rise as a saint. Second the day in him the light of the Akal Purakh and the Nirankar would descend.

Guru Nanak in his hymn has talked of the second event whereas in many other texts the birth of the person is mentioned. He is a vehicle depicted as a horse in which would descend the Kalki Light of Creator ownself. As a Saint he would have light of Akal Purakh.


Many psychics and spiritual teachers are stating that the time of arrival of Lord Kalki to be the year 2022 on ward.


Bhai Gurdas Ji who is considered the first interpreter of Gurbani and his writings are a key to understanding the Sikh holy scriptures in Pauri 23 has written:


“The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world.” And that: “Guru Nanak came to redeem the Kalyug.”


So, the beginning was done by Guru Nanak. The Nirankari Jyote (light) that was in Guru Nanak and the next Nine Guru’s now exists in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Sabad Guru with Hymns in poetic form that has common message of truth, the new spirituality for humanity.  The energy of Guru Nanak is present on earth. The time for arrival of the Avatar when seen in conjunction with other predictions is from the year 2022 to the year 2042.


The Mystery surrounding Avatar


This Avatar has to work in subtle realms at energetic level. The new Satyug structure would be built in energetic form first as it would be the mind and general energies that would change and not the created earth. 

So, his arrival is hidden behind symbolic words. 

The Sambhal mentioned actually means the peaceful state of mind. This word has roots in the word “Shambhala”, which is a Sanskrit word meaning “place of peace” or “place of silence”, is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient Tibetan Buddhist and Hindu traditions. This is spiritually a state of peaceful mind in the devotee. This comes from an inward kept awareness where the Anhad Naad is heard. This saint person would have such a state of mind and the Creator would come to dwell here. Shambhala as the birthplace of Kalki Avatar.


Born in the “house a brahmin” does not mean parents of this saint would have brahmin lineage. It simply means where the access or awareness true spiritual knowledge would be available. This person has discernment and not fall prey to ritualistic religious practices in Kalyug.


Same is the case with names of brothersKavi means “Poet, Sage, Seer”.( here it refers to Sage or Seer), Prajna, means wisdom, and Sumantra, meaning is good advice. These are not real family but the source from where the true spiritual knowledge would be received.


Astrological pointers: Astrologically, his birth chart would be having the Sun, Moon, Jupiter placement as stated with day being Thursday. As yet no astrologer has been able to pinpoint the date of birth. This mention too seems camouflaged so that fake persons should not become self-proclaimed Avatars misleading people. Even now many are there.


Kalki Avatar in 'Sri Dasam Granth of the Sikhs


In 'Sri Dasam Granth Sahib', the story of 'Kalki avtaar' has been given who is stated as 24th Avatar. The reference is similar to the believe of 'Vashanav sampardaaye' of Hindus.

An interesting lineis  'Bhal bhaag bhaya eh Sambhal ke har joo Harmandar aavaingey.' has been used 16 times in 'Kalki Avtaar' poetic stanzas in 'Sri Dasam Granth Sahib'. This means that the “Having good destiny, in the one of Sambhal the Har Hinself would come in Harmandir”. This line states that in such a destined person the Body-Mand would be temple of Har where Har ownself would come to reside.


This line is a confirmation that in the Kalki Avatar would be Har ownself who would descend in this Saintly person.





The Kalki is divine energy presence on earth and shows presence in a Saintly Guru person. In him would descend the Divine ownself and this is known as taking Avatar. This Avatar would be different as the Creator own self would come as a Guest for a short time. In him would be present spiritual energies of Past Avatars, Archangels and also Jesus since all are the highest Divine presence in creation.


The spiritual state of the person would be similar to that described in the Malika. This is the state of mind that is stated in Gurbani. The state of Consciousness in the human mind with presence of the Creator is known as “Sach Khand” in Gurbani. This is a Guest state and is the state where there is no sense of individuality in the person. Guru Nanak and the other Guru’s had this light presence. This was to bring guiding words of truth on earth and initiate change.

Such a oneness  is also experienced by the Saints.  But in this Guru Saint Avatar the Creator would exercise the transformative Will.


The person would be born in India and within whom would walk the Divine Source Ownself as a Guest for the advent of Satyug. This is symbolically described in Hindu scripture with Kalki riding a horse holding a sword. This imaging is typically the Hindu way of describing God energies through imagery.


The “Sword” is that of Divine Awareness that transforms the collective matrix that bring awareness of true Self in the humanity and ushers in the Satyug. This transformation to the new can only be done by the Creator Ownself so HE HIMSELF would be descending as a guest in a spiritually uplifted human body on earth for ascension to Golden age of Satyug.


 Time to connect with Kalki energy


The Kalki Avatar’s energy is indicated by the presence of Ek Ongkaar feeling and Naad in this divine person’s mind. Ek means ONE and having in Awareness ONENESS. Ong is the ever flow of Naad, the celestial sound vibration in creation and Kaar is the Divine Will, the Hukam that creates the creation.

This Mantra of Ek Ongkaar was brought for humanity by Guru Nanak as a new form of meditation. This Mantar is the first word in the Mool Mantra which connects with the Akal Purakh and thus the Kalki Energy.


Monday, November 08, 2021

Naam, Love and Healing

 Naam, Love and Healing

Naam is how Sach, the truth describes the presence of Ekongkaar, the  ONE who is formless and Eternal. HE creates from own self the duality which is our world. The created is ever changing but within it the presence of Sach is eternal. 

We are HIS light and are here to experience the world in all its nuances. We have a sense of separate identity known as Haume that veils our true nature. We identify our self with the body and the mind that thinks forgetting the light of Soul that is the light of our conscious awareness.

We get swayed by attachments, desires and the five passions and so suffer. Our body reflects state of our mind and is diseased. Our circumstances reflect our fears and anxieties. We hold grudges, resentments, envy and even guilt in our mind.

Gurbani tells us that HE whose light we are is pure and Nirbhau. Meaning, the fear is not part of HIM so it is created and exists only in creation. HE also is Nirvair in expression. Meaning, HIS expression has not an iota of enmity. HIS expression is of Unconditional Love. 

We being Souls with HIS light and ever connected in Oneness too have the true expression of Nirvair.
Naam, the true presence is our true identity. Naam settles in our mind when we stop identifying with sense of separate identity and are attached to it. 

Shed the illusionary identity of Haume by seeing HIS presences in everything. HE created so all is HIS. Our body, the Soul-Mind and all worldly objects and our creations and ideas. Consider fear to part of creation so also that which is not part of us. 

As HIS light which is our conscious awareness, express love. Keep this awareness within the mind meaning have awareness of HIS presence within and outside. Our attention when only in the created world takes its color. When attention is also within or frequently goes within then it feels HIS presence.

Have Naam expression of unconditional love in your heart. Be forgiving and grateful. Just love. HE is within us and each cell hold his signature of having come in existence because of HIM.

This unconditional love towards your body which is HIS temple and outside in everything as there too is HIS abode.
This expression of love would bring back balance. It would heal the body with means as is HIS will and the  life circumstances would all be resolved of issues.

This way we bring below what is above. As is above so is below. HE is Nirbhau and so also we become with Naam within our mind and Heart.

Thursday, November 04, 2021

Saibhang: HE Creates from Ownself.

 HE is All in All, the formless One. Being One the Creation is created from own self, the duality.  The created is ever changing while Sach is Eternal.

HE is creation as Nirgun Jyote split as Souls with Mind.  These have Haume, a sense of separateness. It is a connected illusionary split.

All is His play.

We can perceive HIM only within. When we identify with HIM with Awareness, mind body as HIM then sense of separation goes and Soul- Mind with  Nadar has  Higher Awareness and feel union. The first indication of union is hearing of Anhad Sabad, the celestial Sound vibration. Then HIS Jyote illumination as Naam settles in mind. Detailed description is in the book, Living From Within.

Naam then settles in the heart, from where unconditional love is expressed.

Fear and it's expression anxiety, resentments, etc go away. Naam in mind and heart is a union an awakening to higher awareness.

Amazing is the way As is Above So is below.

The Soul-Mind has conscious awareness which is HIS. The intention is same as HIS Hukam.

The Soul too can split, as some choose so to fast-track with both having experiences. In last incarnation the soul unites  with one soul in two bodies. 

As is above so below. 

The union is a woderous expression of unconditional love. Soul is Akal, Jyote Swarupe . Expresses Nirbhau and  Nirvair.

It also expresses saibhang.  the two jyotes combine with shared presense  of two halves  with a bond of unconditional love along with HIM. 

 Such a wonder and amazing spiritual experience these souls have.